Entropic Phenomena

Entropic Phenomena are supernatural events that occur due to Entropic interactions with our universe. Some have easily-defined sources such as Entropic Objects and/or Beings, while others may be inherent ('anchored') to their place of origin.

These anomalous occurrences are typically viewed by many people, and can be quite spectacular. One notable example is AO-126a-32b, where flying clouds of 'fish' dominate the skies of Dratke (2104B3d-2) every year.

Some, like AO(M)-1D6, however, are dangerous. The planet's civilisation is thought to have collectively gone mad after the Phenomenon began manifesting. Fortunately, these sorts of Phenomena are incredibly rare, and the Exotic Sciences Division has many safeguards and contingencies in case they ever do become a public safety issue.

Associated Anomalies

AO(M)-1D6 AO-126a-32b