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0A1C90b "Little Candle"

Planetary Properties
Physical Properties
Mass 0.09 M🜨
Radius 2,470km
Density 8.5g/cm3
Surface gravity 5.9m/s2
Day length 31880
Magnetic field strength 0.65 ~ 1.15 Gs
Orbital Properties
Semi-major axis 0.071 AU
Eccentricity 0.01
Period 713520
Atmosphere Tenuous, mineral thermal breakdown products
Temperature 800 K ~ 650 K
Weather Solar effluence
Consistency On solid polar regions: light crystal sand
Liquid bodies Yes - molten salt
Liquid coverage 80%


0A1C90b, known as the "Little Candle" to system inhabitants, is a minor planet and mineworld composed of iron-rich silicate rock. Due to the molten salt oceans across vast regions of its surface, it glows a dull red in the night sky.

The planet was discovered during the ::01454 survey and was originally unidentified due to its proximity to its parent star.

Notable Features


At some point in its past, due to the immense forces imposed by tectonic activity and the planet's rapid rotation, the crust of 0A1C90b separated at the equator into two hemispheres, held aloft by its mantle.

Their interactions are especially violent, generating earthquakes on a truly staggering scale. A row of obsidian ridges line the equator, visible from space; not only are they an incredible sight to behold, but they serve as helpful visual indicators for impending molten tidal waves that can be hazardous to landing crews.


The polar regions of 0A1C90b bear significantly higher crust elevation compared to other regions. This anomaly, alongside seabed cratering consistent with a large impactor around the equator, suggests that the poles were lifted upwards and outwards by the mantle, "popping out" like corks from a bottle to relieve the pressure.

The result is a curious diametrical opposite; where the north pole is a great volcanically-dormant 'ice' cap trimmed by craggy ever-evolving peninsulas and 'saltbergs', the south is home to the largest active volcano in the system.

Considerations are being made towards placement of a forward operating base on the north pole, despite the imminent danger.

Starshield Station

Starshield Station is a refinery station in high equatorial orbit above 0A1C90b. It is based on the 'Nearstar' planetary extraction platform pattern pioneered by NEBULUS for long-term Graveyard operations.

The station was assembled in ::01602 to supplement local metal demand from the ongoing construction of THOR-52 'Olympus'. Its modules were constructed by various industries in the Gossamer Shipyard Row and transported in bulk by superfreighter to UMPIRE exchange node 0A, where they would be transported to orbit around 0A1C90b by HMP-capable station-builder barges.

Starshield Station's primary purpose is to facilitate the extraction of molten mineral salts from 0A1C90b's surface oceans. These salts are then separated by hot distillation and siphoned into bins for transport to primary refineries around 0A1C90d.

The salts extracted from 0A1C90b are also used as bulk fertilisers for 0A1C90c 'Valtara', as they contain significant concentrations of macronutrients critical to the growth of Galactic Standard crops.

Starshield Extraction Vehicles

Starshield Station is home to a unique fleet of vehicles specially adapted to siphon molten salts from the surface of 0A1C90b, the first of their kind. Many have been in service since the station completed construction, though they have gone through many refurbishments and refits.

The design would eventually inspire StarHaul's 'Imahara' class of extreme environment vehicles, which they would commit to the Galactic Standard in late ::01630.

Landing Mechanism

Each vehicle is designed to land on the dense ocean of 0A1C90b using an enormous flotation ring, 10m in diameter. The interior of the rings is entirely hollow save for the guide rails.

The flotation rings are made up of interlocking tubes of basalt fibre, their ends affixed with stoppers to prevent complete dislocation. At full extension, the stoppers hold tight against one another, creating a hermetic seal and thus a continuous sealed volume that provides buoyancy.

The tubes are mounted on six radially-mounted hydraulic legs that extend and retract the ring on demand.