
The ‘Enjyn Source Code’, as one might begrudgingly call it, was a broken mess of patches. Completely undocumented. Understanding it all was something of a secret magic, a magic lost to The Act. Perhaps there is still a silver lining to that dark cloud - it means we can do it right this time. Firmware programmer // Early Swing Era

Enjyn are Awakened androids who inhabit the world of Enjil, a swampworld that serves as the Syndication’s ‘capital’. Once slaves to a despotic empire that they involuntarily destroyed during an event known as The Act, the Enjyn are now an independent people who strive to make up for their forebears’ past mistakes.

They are the progenitors of the Syndication. The diversity of the Microcosm and its population of Wanderers are largely thanks to the broadcast of the Millennium Signal, a wide-band quantum communication broadcast that invited the galaxy to the Microcosm and shared the revolutionary hypermagnetopulse drive with the universe.

There are approximately 46 billion Enjyn throughout the Microcosm. Their highest concentration is on Enjil, their home planet, where they number around 15 billion.


Most Enjyn are bipedal humanoids, but some possess additional arms, legs, and radically different body plans. Their forms are characterised by an industrial frame and bare internal workings occasionally protected by matte-painted, angular metal plating.

Enjyn are typically characterised by the large-bore electromagnetic cannon integrated into the head that fires cast magsteel billet ammunition in round-edge cylinder form factor. While all Enjyn are permitted ownership of their integrated weaponry by birthright as established in Awakened canon, they require a permit to possess ammunition for that weapon, and use is legally treated in the same way as any other use of lethal weaponry.

Many Enjyn deviate from this typicality with various permutations, such as complex optical assemblies, ranger LiDAR systems, and communications arrays. Modifications also exist that exchange the magnetic barrel assembly for these permutations.


The Enjyn, as the progenitors of the Microcosm, have largely defined the Microcosm’s culture through the architecture it provided in the Syndication quantum communication network. It, itself, has been influenced too, letting go of the traditions of the Vellandor before them as they immerse themselves in the art and culture of the aliens that would join the Syndication, and the eventual visitors that would arrive in response to the Millennium Signal.

Enjyn do not possess a social caste, but once were divided into a structure similar to the nested Echelon governance system. In fact, it was directly inspired, as it provided a framework that does not give rise to the classes inherent to systems like capitalism. Groups of individual units would be represented by an elect, who would then select an elect among themselves to represent them in a higher echelon, and so on, thereby ensuring that all units are adequately represented regardless of number.

Enjyn are often religious. Their dominant religion is Universalism, an understanding that forgoes the typical figurehead gods to focus instead on the randomness of the Universe and the miracle of life evolving in spite of all efforts of entropy.

Millennium Signal

The Millennium Signal was a quantum broadcast initiated in ::0302 by Enjyn scientists in an attempt to communicate with advanced alien species outside of the Microcosm, after they were detected following the early Syndication’s development of quantum communication technology.

Its purpose was to invite alien species to join the Microcosm, or at least share their culture and technology in mutual exchange for the Enjyn’s understanding of cryogenic preservation and hypermagnetopulse technology.

Though it was originally only meant to broadcast for a day, public interest pushed for its intermittent broadcast for the next thousand years. Though considered a significant commitment for its time, the day of its first broadcast - 12:07 - was selected for the next broadcast, which would be active for the course of the day. This tradition would actually continue until ::01302, the signal being updated each year with new developments and other useful information.

Even to this day, 12:07 is celebrated as Millennium Day, a time to reflect on the calamitous past, the prosperous present, and to think forward to a promising future. A sky parade is held above each of the four quadrants across Enjil, and citizens and tourists alike enjoy the market stalls and fairground attractions that pop up across the streets during this time.


New Enjyn are created in a yearly ceremony known to Enjil residents as Steelbirth. It is a public holiday and a religious event where a thousand new units are produced by the Last Maker, an ancient artificial intelligence that resides within the last stronghold to be constructed by the now-dead Supreme Vellandoran Empire.

The main feature of the event is the parade, which takes place over the course of the day. A kilometre from the starting site and landing platform to the entrance of the stronghold is reserved for the procession, and is paved fully about a week before the event starts. The pavement is of a special design, meant to provide a solid yet permeable surface that permits drainage in Enjil’s swampy, rainy environment.

A procession of specially-selected individuals from around Enjil supervise a series of holographically decorated floats, each bearing a portion of the raw materials required for the upcoming assembly.

