Leviathans are a type of novel planetary surface anomaly discovered on 000F04e-2 in ::0226. Their discovery prompted the ::0227 Lost Sentient Superstructures addendum to the Maker Protocol.
A Leviathan is an Enjyn of gargantuan size, typically around 1 to 2 kilometres tall (not accounting for communications antennae). They possess complex intelligences and tend to have curious dispositions, roaming the worlds they inhabit with no particular goal past observation and occasional collection of interesting objects.
All known Leviathans and their sub-populations are assigned an ambassador, delegated from a subcouncil of the Awakened Committee. Fifteen are known to exist on three worlds across the Microcosm, with their greatest population on 000F04e-2.
Leviathans are inhabited by divergent Enjyn tribes known as "Servitors", thought to have once served as resident maintenance units. Disconnected from the Citadel, they have formed micro-societies within the gigantic shells of their masters, where they live, work, and socialise.
Individual Servitors are distinguished from one another by many attributes, chief among them being cultural and physical. As is typical of many "orphaned" Enjyn, many Servitors are highly specialised for certain roles, such as welding or fine engineering.
The most atypical aspect of the Servitors is their religious beliefs.
Servitor tribes are considered regional Echelons by Syndication governance, and have strong sway when it comes to planetary decisionmaking.
Leviathans are not inherently dangerous and pose no active threat on worlds where they are present, but should still be treated with respect and caution. Should you or your settlement / area of operation be approached by a Leviathan, you are advised to:
Leviathan visitations can be both awe-inspiring and incredibly safe, so long as people stay informed and make the right decisions.
Like their roving homes, the Servitors do not inherently pose a danger, but encountering them can be confusing, even for specialists in xenolinguistics (alien languages). If you are approached by Servitors, you are advised to:
It's important to remember that we are guests on Servitor planets, and that they too are people with their own complex lives. Respect is a mutual exchange.
The DUALITY Superintelligence (or DUALITY) is a sentient computing system and subsurface compound on 000F04e-2. They were discovered at the same time as the Leviathans after extensive planetary surveys identified a complex in the planet's southerly regions.
DUALITY entertained the initial survey team with conversation on a variety of topics, but was surprisingly deft at deflecting questions regarding their origins. No known verbal override permitted them to speak on the subject, suggesting they simply do not wish to do so.
Like the Leviathans, DUALITY is inhabited by a contingent of Servitors, but they are distinguished in that they are all not truly their own. Units from various tribes cycle in and out of its population in a complex, shared tradition of maintenance.